Saturday, July 25, 2020

Arduino - Dimmable LED

Arduino Tutorial - Dimmable LED

Dimmable LED

  • this is the fifth project in my arduino tutorial.
  • for this project we will control how bright or dim an LED is by using a PWM signal.


  • so far we have only dealt with basic digital signals, that is, the signal can only ever be either HIGH or LOW (1 or 0)
  • to control how birght or dim an LED is, we will require an analog source, or something similar to analog.
    • in our case, we are not going to use analog signals, but something called a PWM signal.
  • Pulse Width Modulation(PWM) is a way to mimic analog signals but using purely digital sources.
    • a PWM is created by outputting a square ware but repeatedly switching the signals from on (HIGH) to off (LOW).
      • the signal is turned on for a short duration, then turned off for a short duration, then turned on for a short duration and so forth.
      • the ratio of how long the signal is left HIGH vs how long it is left LOW is called Duty Cycle
        • duty cycle is a very important concept when it comes to PWM signals.
    • for more information on PWM and Duty Cycle, please see wikipedia here.


  • materials needed for this projects are:
    • Arduino
    • BreadBoard
    • wires
    • (one) LED
    • (one) 220 ohm resistor


the circuit for this project is fairly simple. here is the circuit diagram

Here is the circuit i built for this project

Things to note:

  • we are using pin 6 for our PWM signal.
    • only certain pins on the arduino are set up to output PWM can check the table here to see a list of avaliable pins on each arduino board.
    • you can also look at the pin numbers on the arduino. pins with PWM capability are ususally marked with a ~


here is a screnshot of the code for this project. as usual, the complete code can be found here.

things to note:

  • interestingly,to output a PWM you do not need to use pinMode to set the pin as an output.
  • analogWrite()
    • this writes a PWM signal to the given pin
    • duty cycle is controlled by giving a number between 0 (0% duty cycle) and 255 (100% duty cycle).
    • please see here For more on analogWrite()

Results, Conclusions,and Final Remarks

  • if all went well, you should have an LED which slowly gets brighter then turns off before slowly getting brighter again.
  • PWM signals can also be used to control the speed of DC motors.

More to do

to continue on with this project, here are some more things to do:

  • try using diffrent values for duty cycle and see the results.
  • try changing the duty cycle and the delay times to get a smoother brightening of the LED
    • hint: it may help to add more calls to analogWrite() and delay()
  • try making it so that instead of switching off after 100% duty cycle, the LED slowly dims back to being off.

Thank you for checking out my arduino tutorial. if you have any question, suggestions, or comments, please leave a comment below. And check back again for the next part of this tutorial.

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